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AWNL - War Savings Patriotic Scheme
The Woman 2 July 1917:
“We would strongly urge members of our great organisation to co-operate whole-heartedly in the carrying out of this (War Savings) patriotic scheme. It may be justly claimed by the organisers of the Inaugural Thrift Campaign Week, 9th to 15th June, that their work has acted as Pioneer in this scheme for National Thrift, and that it will still continue to do so. It has caused the word Thrift to be heard in the press, the pulpit, in general conversation in trams and trains.
A great sense and some non-sense has been uttered on the subject, but the movement has emphasised the truth that Thrift is not parsimony or the lessening of employment, but the best use of national and private resources and the restriction of selfish spending on the “unconsidered trifles”, with the motive of having to spare for patriotic efforts. And what could be more patriotic than by this means to convert money thus saved into capital lent to the Government to carry the war to a triumphant end, and to form a nest-egg when the “Dove of Peace” has again settled on the earth, which will enable new industries to be started and the old ones to thrive? ...
We would again ask the question often pressed in the past by the AWN League, “Has not the time come when National Service of men and women should be the law of the land?”
We would again renew the offer made by members of the AWN League in April 1915 to step forward and fill the ranks of labour which will of necessity be depleted while our men are at the front! - Great Britain, France, Canada, and America point the way. Why should Australia not fall in line?”
Mrs J. H. Hope
AWNL - The War Drum of Unionism
The Woman 1 September 1917:
In Our Empire’s Hour of Supreme Trial – and our own hour of supreme trial – while our Australian men, our sons and brothers, are fighting to defend our frontiers (for Australia’s frontiers are in Middle Europe and on the seas, thousands of miles distant, thank God from even the coastline of Australia Felix).
Now, NOW – at this hour of supreme crises and world’s agony, and while the cream of our manhood is “playing the game” – the “man’s great game,” “the War Drum of Unionism” is being beaten to rally brother Australians to industrial war.’
“Unionism is Threatened! What shall it profit the worker if he gain short and ever shortening hours, high and ever-rising wages, compulsory unionist comrades, factory laws, Compensation Acts, and Arbitration Courts – if he loses every cause for complaint, every peg on which to hang a strike – to become enslaved by the “tyranny of the card system”! Down with the tyranny of Governments! Up with the lawlessness of mob rule!
And on August 2nd, 1917, while more than a quarter of a million brave lads, sons of Australian mothers, are fighting day and night, seven days a week, to save this land of great possibilities from the grip of the brutal Hun – their fellow unionists and brother Australians declared Industrial War on the Mother State of Australia!
AWNL - Australia Finances Two Wars
The Woman 1 October 1917:
The Australian Commonwealth is financing two wars – one in distant Europe; the other within her own borders. In the midst of the world’s mammoth tragedy and trial we are carrying on civil war on our own highly favoured land.
The strike ... has swept from State to State like a mid-summer bushfire across a dry and well-grassed plain, and is now raging fiercely in our own State of Victoria …
Militant pacifists and shrieking members of Peace Societies parade our city streets, assault the police, destroy ratepayers’ property, and shame the 99% of honest workers whose names they take in vain. Meanwhile the whole community (constituted mainly of women, innocent children, and men desirous of minding their own business and providing for their families) is suffering acutely.
(The objection 'Women are shrieking cockatoos' was made by a member of the Legislative Assembly ... When the pioneer suffragist Mrs Love pointed out that it was the male cockatoo who did the shrieking, we didn't hear any more of that particular argument'. Vida Goldstein, Pioneer Pathways, ed Isabel McCorkindale WCTU Melbourne 1948.)
AWNL - Suggestive Thoughts on Thrift
The Woman 1 November 1917:
‘A comparative definition of Thrift is “Economy manages, frugality saves, Providence plans. Thrift at once earns and saves, with a view to wholesome and profitable expenditure at a fitting time” …
The body is mortal, the spirit the mind immortal. Thrift then must imply, if it is putting first things first, training in the former to develop and strengthen the latter, something greater – grander than making twenty shillings do the work of twenty-five – though even that may be included in the thrift programme.
Think of the awful tragedy that would have happened to our Empire had our mothers not been thrifty mothers, realising that when their boys heard the call of duty they must not say to them “Nay”...
And pity all those other weak, thriftless women, who shelter themselves behind a cry “I did not raise my son to be a soldier”.
Australian War Memorial call number: 2/1/1; RC00319
Pro conscription Referendum leaflet targeting the female vote.
AWNL - 1917 Petition for Conscription
The Woman 1 December 1917:
Australian Women’s National League Petition for Conscription -
To the Honourable the Speaker, and to the Honourable the Members of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Commonwealth in Parliament assembled. The humble petition of the undersigned Electors of the Commonwealth, resident in Victoria, respectfully showeth that -
1. In view of the extreme gravity of the situation regarding the War, and the turn that events have taken, consequent upon the downfall of Russia, we consider that the time has arrived when Australia can no longer remain the one volunteer nation fighting the war ... (see AWNL Petition Appendix 3)